Pilates is an excellent option to help relieve knee pain, as it strengthens the muscles that support the joint and improves flexibility. The exercises are adaptable, allowing you to work with different levels of pain and physical condition on an individual basis.
The body awareness developed in Pilates helps people to better understand their limits and learn to use them to their advantage during exercises, consequently leading to pain reduction. Some specific knee conditions, such as pain in the anterior region, improve with the practice of specific exercises and a certain alignment of the knee during their execution.

Muscle strengthening is one of the pillars for relieving and reducing the recurrence of knee pain. In addition, relieving muscle tension and improving flexibility allows for free movement, gradually bringing pain relief.
Incorporating exercise into your routine is essential to obtain good results, promote your health, improve your physical and mental well-being and your quality of life. For this, in addition to consistency, it is important to have the guidance and supervision of an interdisciplinary health team, ensuring that the exercises are effective and well-indicated according to your condition.
Written by: FT. Marilia Monteiro – CREFITO 129693-F
Edited by: Aline de Castro – CREFITO 175170-F